In experiments with Cyt-B PRP was pre-incubated with the drug for 10 minutes before the initiation of clot formation. FK633 was mixed 15060526 with PRP just before the initiation of clot formation. The plasma clot surface area was calculated by Adobe Photoshop CS5 from a digital image taken 60 minutes after clot formation. The percent inhibition was calculated by considering clot retraction in the absence of pharmacological reagents to be a full retraction. Platelet preparation Blood samples from healthy adult donors were collected in 0.1 volumes of 3.8% trisodium citrate. Platelet-poor plasma was prepared by centrifugation at 1,800 g for 10 minutes at 22uC. To stain platelets, whole blood was incubated with R-6G for 15 minutes in the dark at room temperature, and subsequently centrifuged at 250 g for 10 minutes at 22uC to obtain platelet-rich plasma. PRP containing nonlabeled platelets was also prepared as needed. Employing of a whole-blood cell counter we ensured the purity of PRP and determined the platelet concentration. For the preparation of suspension of washed platelets, the method developed by Mustard et al. was used with some modifications. PRP containing labeled with R-6G platelets was centrifuged at 1,100 g for 15 min at 22uC. PPP was removed and the platelets were resuspended in Tyrode’s albumin buffer containing 0.5 mM of prostacyclin and centrifuged at 950 g for 10 min at 22uC. Subsequently washing step was repeated and the platelet pellet was resuspended in Tyrode’s albumin buffer containing no prostacyclin eventually. Platelet count was determined using a whole-blood cell counter. Before each experiment platelets were studied microscopically to ensure the absence of platelet aggregates and minimal presence of contaminating cells. All platelet samples were used within 6 hours after blood collection. Confocal laser scanning microscopy A confocal laser scanning microscope equipped with a 1006 oil MedChemExpress MG516 immersion objective lens and a temperature control system was used. All experiments were conducted in 35-mm glass bottom dishes at 37uC. Platelet suspensions in plasma were obtained by supplementation of PPP with PRP containing platelets labeled with R-6G. Subsequently, the suspension was adequately replenished with either 0.9% NaCl, annexin V labeled with Alexa Fluor 647 and human fibrinogen labeled with Alexa Fluor 488 when platelet surface PS exposure was calculated, or with human fibrinogen labeled with Alexa Fluor 647 when binding of fibrinogen to platelets was evaluated. Annexin V and fibrinogen were labeled with the fluorescent dyes according to the manufacturer protocols. The desired pharmacological reagent was simultaneously supplemented as needed, and the experiment commenced when CaCl2 and a chosen compound were added to initiate clot formation. The total volume of each sample was 200 ml. In experiments with Cyt-B platelets were pre-incubated with Cyt-B for 10 minutes at 37uC before being stimulated with either thrombin or IMC. The suspension of washed platelets in Tyrode’s albumin buffer was supplemented with ANX and GPRP if needed. As previously, the experiment began when CaCl2 and thrombin were added. The final concentration of platelets in each 200 ml sample was 1.06104 platelets/ml. Immediately after agonist addition, the focal plane approximately 3 mm above the bottom 24726384 of the dish, in a randomly selected location, was chosen and images were taken every 20 or 35 s. Subsequent to fibrin network formation, a constant observati